
Mr. Ristic J. Miodrag Dipl.Math, Ing.Electrotechnic has studied Pure Mathematic at Mathematical Faculties of University in Belgrade, Yugoslavia and Electrotechnic at the High Technical School in Vienna, Austria.

He has been working on problems in Internal and External Ballistic and was a Lecturer of Experimental Ballistic at the High Technical school of University of Belgrade.

Many years he worked as Civil Engineer in Yugoslav Army on problems of Ballistic and Armaments.

He is the Author of the book “Measuring in Experimental Ballistic”.

In the Institute “Nikola Tesla” in Belgrade he calculated and constructed electrical filters for multichanel telephone.

Has grounded and leaded the first Computing centre in Belgrade, in “Energoprojekt” where he formed and instructed a great number of programmers and system analysts.

To the end of his activity he has been working on problems of Aircraft armaments for the “Office Francais de Materiel Aeronautique” of French Ministry of Defence.
